My DR can't determine if i have an ectopic or uterine miscarriage. Whats normal symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on August 20, 2010

I recently was disgnoed with a miscarriage and they have been following my hCG levels, which recently plateaud at 140. the ultrasound shows an empty uterus and nothing in my tubes so the DR. is unable to determine if i have unruptured ectopic pregnancy or some small amount of tissue in my uterus still. I have passed large clots and tissue would that happen normally with an ectopic pregnancy?

you would have been in a lot more pain,it usually requires surgery to remove

Go to another doctor.
I assume by "plateaued at 140" you mean it was increasing until it never got past 140 and you've had more than one blood test at 140. This indicates there is something left inside of you. if its uterine, it can cause an infection and if its ectopic, it is potentially life threatening. a good doctor SHOULD be able to tell the difference.
I'm so sorry for your loss and your troubles. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless!

I'm very sorry for your loss.
An ectopic miscarriage is usually pretty painful, but if there is no tissue in the tube and it didn't rupture, that's a hopeful sign. Forgive me for this, I'm not trying to be cruel, but you may have already passed the fetus with the blood clots.
It's pretty important for him to find out, though, in case you decide to get pregnant again.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I just went through a miscarriage late November and I passed the clots and tissues also. Mine was a uterine miscarriage and it sounds like the same as yours. if you passed a lot of tissue and clots, you probably wouldn't see anything in an ultrasound anyway for your body took care of everything itself. Mine did. much luck to you and stay strong.

i would suggest going to another dr– you would think they would be able to tell–

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