My father is really sick and the doctors don't know how to diagnose or cure any of his symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 22, 2011

My father has had diabetesand been insulin dependant since he was 17, and he also developed chronic diarrhea and has had it since way before I could remember. Just about four years ago he began to get really sick and had severe recurring stomcah pain and nausea, he almost died several times because he couldn't eat for months. Doctor tried to say it was heartburn, appendicitis, gastropericus, or just blame it on his diabetes, and they haven't really helped him except by given him morphene to help with the pain. my father is only 41 and he is about six feet tall, but he only weighs about 90 lbs. He is so sick and my mom is so depressed because we can't help him. the doctors have done so many tests on him and they always come back negative.

Has anyone ever had some similar symptoms or if diabetes and liver failure really do cause this pain for people? I have known people on dialysis and who had diabetes who were never in this much pain? Please help.

I thinks it's an ulcer.

Have u tryed going to a specialist about this? or maybe looking up his symptoms online or in a library to see what u can find out. i dont know whats is wrong with him but im just trying to give u other places to look than where u have.

Has he ever seen a gatroenterologist? This doesn't sound good at all. With that much weight loss, it may point to cancer. Good luck!

Since your father has diabetes, he has a problem with his pancreas. in addition to the diabetes, he may also have Pancreas Enzyme Insufficiency.

Digestive enzymes from the pancreas are necessary to break down protein, fat, and carbohydrates in foods that are ingested. When there is a deficiency of these enzymes, nutrients are not broken down, resulting in malnutrition and weight loss. This condition is called malabsorption because the intestine is unable to absorb these vital nutrients.

The two major symptoms are diarrhea (frequently with fat droplets in the stool) and weight loss. This condition can result from any cause of pancreatitis, including trauma and infection. Pancreatic enzymes can be taken by mouth to replace those that are no longer made by the pancreas

If your father is not seeing a specialist (endocrinologist or gastroenterologist), he needs to see one as soon as possible. Any disease involving the pancreas can cause severe abdominal pain. Insist your father see a different doctor.

has he been checked for H-Pylori…. I had it about ten years ago, and I also had severe pain with unrelenting nausea.. I also could not eat…

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