My girlfriend was pregnant got an abortion and still feeling pregnant-like symptoms why is that?

by Symptom Advice on May 20, 2011

My girlfriend was pregnant and got an abortion she had a complete successful abortion after 2 weeks she is starting to feel sleepy sense of smell heightened and all the other symptoms for being pregnant why is this could this happen after having an abortion? we did have sex but i pulled out didn't go off in her so is this normal?

you shouldnt have sex that soon after an abortion…..but anyways she could be just about to start her period.

This is because her body is making a big transition from being pregnant to have the baby completely out of her body. it takes time for her body to get back to normal so don't worry about it, it should get back to normal in no time.

Her hormones are still active as if she were prego. it will take her body some time to get used to the fact that there is no baby.

her body still thinks she is pregnant

I don't know why she's having those symptoms, but you need to know that she CAN get pregnant whether you get off inside her or not. even if you put it in her for a second, unless you are wearing a condom, she can get pregnant.

Your pathetic, an abortion is probably the worst thing you could have done, some people would kill to have a baby but here you are someone who is able to have kids killing them. your sick.

You pulled out? Did you ever think that maybe that is why she got pregnant in the first place?

Pull out doesn't always work….take it offensively when I tell you to quit having sex unprotected and so carelessly when you don't want the baby that you are making!!!!!!!!!!!! Grow up and quit being so stupid

How dare you get an abortion and kill a little child! what if your parents abortioned you?!?! Huh?!?! it wouldn't be okay then would it? You should be ashamed of yourselves! You are the ones who had sex and got pregnant in the first place! May God forgive you

God, man, use birth control! the reason she feels like this is when a woman terminates a pregnancy or miscarries, her hormones are still thinking she's pregnant. it takes time for the hormones to normalize, maybe three to six months.

it is extremely easy to get pregnant after an only takes one sperm to get in could easily leak out without your knowledge.she's probably pregnant again. use a condom next time.

Why are you guys even having sex again if you killed the outcome of the last time you guys had sex? And your still not wearing condoms? what the HELL!!!!?!?!?! Did you guys miss out on Sex Ed class? Sex=babies, and I think you need to learn about that before acting upon sex again! Abortionism is not a form of birth control, so get on some already and use damn condoms before you murder another child.

After an abortion her body will still think it has a baby, Im not sure but I think this is fairly common to women who get an abortion or have a miscarriage. her body will take a while to come to terms with the loss of the baby, as according to the body it was not time for it to leave. You should keep an eye on here overall health and mood as abortion, like miscarriage can lead to some depression or other mild health effects.

How can you live with your self after killing a baby that's like murder!

She still has the hormone, a test might even still show up positive. Give it a few more days, if it doesn't start tapering off, she needs to see a doctor.

It might be pseudocyesis a.k.a pseudopregnancy.

I hope it was a joint decision , and you didn`t push her into this

none of my biz, but still.

She could be pregnant again. After an abortion or miscarriage, many women are even more fertile than before. Pulling out is ineffective because pre-ejaculate still contains millions of viable sperm.

The other possibility is that her body is still processing pregnancy hormone (HcG) from the previous pregnancy. Sometimes this takes awhile to leave the body. in this case, taking a pregnancy test at home wouldn't be reliable. she needs to go to her doctor.

The best thing you both can do is to start using birth control of some kind. the pull-out method is a bit like Russian Roulette and is very ineffective.

Good luck!

Well she could be pregnant AGAIN. Most people don't know that there is PRE EJAC fluids before orgasm.




Most likely her body hasnt realized that she is no longer pregnant. it will take a few weeks and she should be back to normal. If not i would consult your doctor.

I agree with the others about the hormones and/or possibly period-time.

How long ago did she have the abortion?

If she had an abortion, I think she would have bled while she healed, similar to the way women bleed after childbirth. Can anyone answer this part, because I am not sure. Did she bleed? Are you POSITIVE she had an abortion??

Pulling out isn't birth control–precum has more than enough "little guys" in it to turn the treat back into trick–is she pregnant again?

Okay, I found this web page on the internet–it should answer your questions…but you will need to take a look at it yourself to find the information you need–since I know you probably have more questions than the one posted here.

you shouldnt be having sex yet her body is still healing physically, not to mention the mental healing she needs to do. at least put something on it next time dear. as for her still feeling pregnant you must go to the doctors to get an ultra sound to make sure there is nothing left behind its very serious and potentially fatal. get down t'clinic. fast.

Did you not learn your lesson pulling out isn't a successful method of BC and yes she has a higher chance of getting pregnant after an abortion, just like after having a child it is higher. it could be many thing but I think you need to wrap it b4 you tap it!

alright dude. could be pms and or prego harmones still
either way i've had several boyfriends do the pull out thing for years and i never got prego. then again they weren't pre-cummers. if you precum then the pull out method is at high risk. i think it's genetic some guys do and some don't i've been with both. my man doesn't believe pre-*** exists….but believe me it does, he still claims it's a myth whatever.
you can tho *** in her at the end of her period. we did that for YEARS and years i never got prego my sister too. so thas a safe way
becareful if you precum thats all i'm saying that **** is loaded.

i hope this was her decision this is sad for me to hear, why would you *** in her if you don't precum and why would leave it in her with out a condom? thats sorta cruel. i can't imagine the drugs i'd have to be snorting to deal an abortion

Why in the world would you have unprotected sex again. How many abortions do you want to have? that is soooo irresponsible. You both are not responsible enough to be having sex at all. Grow up.

you still have the symptoms for the next few weeks because of the horomones and so forth. it will slowly fad away and be gone soon enough.

Well statistics say that within the year you will split never to be together again.

By the way , this was published about 1-2 months ago

Abortion and mental health disorders: evidence from a 30-year longitudinal study{dagger}
David M. Fergusson, PhD, L. John Horwood, MSc and Joseph M. Boden, PhD
The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 193: 444-451

"women who had had abortions had rates of mental disorder that were about 30% higher. there were no consistent associations between other pregnancy outcomes and mental health.:

And a great man are you, a father and husband to envy. but like I said statistically you will split up soon, then she will start having mental problems.

have the child omg ABORION IS BAD ok thats why mccain should of gotten in office

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