My husband was an alchoholic,he quit drinking after he got he is having off drinks symptoms l?

by Symptom Advice on March 10, 2011

getting off drinks symptoms like anxiety,depression and restlessness.he losses his temper on me.sometimes he blames me for his to handle him and this situation.

Your husband WAS an alcoholic? let me make this clear, alcoholism is NOT CURABLE. Your husband is still an alcoholic. When alcoholics quit drinking and do not go to therapy they are nothing more than DRY DRUNKS. What this means is that they still have the same horrible personality they had while they were drinking, they have done nothing to fix the mental issues that go along with alcoholism.

My ex-husband quit drinking too, then I think he stopped going to AA and I don't know if he ever sought professional treatment from a therapist either. His personality is still the same. He was a jerk when he was a sober, BUT HE WAS A BIGGER JERK WHEN HE WAS DRUNK.

Alcoholics will blame you for EVERYTHING. He is building up to DRINK. in AA they call this BUD, Building Up to Drink. the only reason your husband quit drinking is because of his illness. He needs to go to AA and you need to go to Al-Anon. These meetings are free and they will help you with recovery and how to deal with an alcoholic.

Sorry to hear about this.

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