My indigestion / gerd symptoms are making me feel so sick …?

by Symptom Advice on December 8, 2010

do you suggest i skip dinner tonight to give my stomach a break? i feel so bloated nauseas and can't stand it. will clear liquids help?

i haven't eaten since 9 am this morning… almost 12 hours ago… so i don't think its my oatmeal….. i have an appt with a GI dr. but not til april 14th :( i feel miserable.

Only a doctor may find out what is wrong, but your body is trying to tell you something is wrong with your environment and it's affecting your health. what you can't see is making you sick. please consider "NASA's clean Air Plant Study":

"Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings."

" NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. you can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more."

The only symptoms of anything that you mention are abdominal distention and nausea and these are not associated with GERD, but they are symptoms of indigestion which can be caused by GERD. Other causes include gastritis, aerophagia, smoking, alcohol, lactose intolerance, agstric/duodenal ulcers and cholecystitis. if your symptoms are persistent, they may be due to function dyspepsia, a problem with gastric motility. There also other digestive disorders which present with your two symptoms.

Not eating at all may not be the answer. Eating 4-6 smaller, light meals may help. things to avoid are highly acidic foods, caffeine in all it's forms, alcohol, foods high in fat and oily foods. Exercise/activity can help but within one hour of eating. Drinking extra water can also help.

But you represent yourself as a nurse so you must already know all this.

Have you considered, over the counter Prilosec? Any chance you could have the H. Pyloric Bacterium

Are you sure you aren't just dehydrated buddy?? Expecting your digestive system to digest food and transport essential vitamins and nutrients with no water in your system is an extremely huge ask ………… Water is imperative to life. without water your body will have a terrible time breathing, digesting food, transporting nutrients, lubricating your joint sockets etc.etc.etc.etc……… nothing substitutes for water. your body needs at least 2 – 3 litres of water daily to function efficiently Geez, we need at least 2 litres daily just to maintain aspiration (to breathe)!! so drink up buddy ?

Increase your intake of fresh filtered water 20 minutes before or after meals so as to enhance digestion rather than interfere with it …………… if you drink fluids during your meals it will only serve to dilute your digestive juices and hinder digestion ?

also, try to cut back on drinks such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas and soft drinks (if you drink any of them) which will all do great job of dehydrating you. ie: just 1 can of soda or soft drink will make your body peesh out up to 12 cups of water !!! 1 cup of coffee will make your body peesh out about 2 cups of water ……….. read the book by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D…. "Your body's many cries for water"…… an astounding and scary and very true read.

Symptoms of dehydration are puffy bags under your eyes, dark circles under your eyes, headaches and migraines and constipation and bloating and cramping and foggy thinking….. :0)

no, i don't suggest that you skip eating tonight ? eat something light perhaps some steamed vegies and fish and you may be pleasantly surprised that your nausea will clear up ?

if you are in actual fact suffering the symptoms of acid reflux ie ~ that awful burning sensation and uncontrollable belching and the associated pain you could try to realkalise the contents of your tummy by getting some ACV.

Go and get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar ~ Braggs is a good quality brand. put 2 tablespoons into a mug and fill with water,mix it up and drink through a straw ………… this will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and cure an acid tummy by increasing digestion and realkalising your tummy. Apple cider vinegar will also eliminate heart burn and acid reflux symptoms…….. have two mugs if you have to. All natural ingredients, no chemicals or rubbish to upset sensitive little bodies in organic apple cider vinegar either.

here, check out this link ~


oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ?

Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout the ACV?

ps. is it a possibility that you are lactose intolerant?? acid reflux and GERD are symptoms of lactose intolerance as are bloating and cramping, nausea, headaches and migraines, belching and gassiness and windiness, ribbony shaped stools or pellet shaped stools and constipation and wet f*arting (sorry no other way to put it)… ?

take care of you ?


I am not a doctor, so either way you will want to talk to them, but this is what I have to say as a long time sufferer of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.)!

three part answer: information, what not to do, and what to do!

I have a very severe case of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.). I have had to go to the hospital for some of the heartburn that I have had because the pain can become overwhelming or your breathing can be effected. It can be caused by Smoking, Drinking Beverages with caffeine (My case with hereditary), Drinking Beverages with Alcohol, Stress, Anxiety or can be Hereditary

The good thing about G.E.R.D. is that it can be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a permit thing even if you end up with it for the rest of your life it has the ability to be cured.

G.E.R.D. is caused by too much acid being created in your stomach. This can lead to or cause ulcers, esophagus damage, heartburn and/or damage in the mouth. . Other symptoms that can be found in a few cases are dizziness, tingling in limbs, numbness of Limbs, Chest/Back pain focused on the left side (in most cases), and shortness/difficulty breathing.

WHAT NOT TO DO!!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor to the reflux if you watch what you eat and reduce some of the stress it will help. if you watch what you eat for about a week you should find relief, if you do not then that is when you definitely what to listen to the doctor. things to watch for are as follows:

Fatty Foods
Citrus Foods
Oranges (Juice and fruit)
Lemon (Juice and fruit)
Foods That contain Grease
Fried Foods
Potatoes (Starch)
Buffalo wings
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato Based Products
Sour Cream
Cottage Cheese
High amounts of Carbohydrates
Roughage (Berries and Nuts)

The two foods that I recommend is Black strap Molasses and Raw honey. the apple is better for night time reflux while these will work for just about all of it. what you will do is take about a tsp. of whatever one you chose. Molasses being the better because of strength and nutrition, but must be use to the taste. what the substance will do is stick to the sides of the esophagus and do two things, one is heal and the other is protect.
On the healing end, both substances have a healing property in them, and as they sit on the walls of the esophagus they will heal it. This is also helpful if you have a sore throat in the morning from refluxing.
On the protection end, both substances are high in sugar and when acid that is refluxed comes up to that the sugar will neutralize it and it will not longer be a problem at that point.

I would also look to putting Cinnamon and Ginger in you diet, they have been know to help with digestion and will help you reduce the amount of acid needed to brake down food, therefore causing you to reflux less.

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