My prostate is ore and swollen but I have no other symptoms. What could be the problem?

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

I have no pain or problem when urinating. it is uncomfortable to sit for too long and it also bothers me to walk. Could it be from too much sex?

It is mostly age related not sex related, you should consult a Urologist.

You are not a physician in all likelihood and even if you were surely have not examined yourself for that, thus you have no way of knowing if the problem is or is not truly your prostate; and the only way to know is to go to see a urologist, who will examine you and perform any and all necessary testing. sometimes a mild problem with the prostate does not necessarily result in urinary symptoms, however, if the problem is an enlarged prostate, medically termed as BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy), there is medication treatment which can be prescribed. in addition, not to alarm you, but the possiblity of prostate cancer still looms and there is also testing for that done as appropriate. You may have a problem with your kidneys, it might not be your prostate; and regardless of what it is, I seriously doubt that excessive sex has anything to do with it, except if you were inadvertently or intentionally injured during rough or kinky sex. usually the physiological and psychological benefits of a healthy and active sex life outweight any negative things, but in your case there is of course still a possibility of a sexually transmitted disease involved and especially so if you have been engaging in any unprotected sexual relations as part of your sexual activity to date.

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