Natural Cure for Tuberculosis

by Symptom Advice on May 21, 2011

Tuberculosis is an infectious airborne disease that affects a sizable population of human beings, especially in the developing world. it is far more serious than the ordinary cough. The current trend worldwide is that HIV/AIDS patients are more vulnerable to the attack of TB. Symptoms include chest pain, persistent dry coughing sometimes coupled with emission of blood, weight loss, poor appetite, fever and sweating in the night. When contacted, the TB virus may lie dormant in the body of the victim for years before showing symptoms. Persons with TB virus can easily infect others in their proximity through coughing and sneezing, mere inhalation of the virus can result in getting infected. TB is currently one of the diseases ravaging many sub-Sahara African countries. Elimination of tuberculosis has become part of their millennium development goals – MDGs.Current medical drugs for TB have side effects, not only that, their costs are prohibitive for the intended patients, therefore, it is better to seek treatment that is devoid of drugs. several years back, raw vegetable juice was used in curing TB, but recently, addition and mixture of the raw carrot juice to that of raw vegetable has proved to be more effective to get rid of tuberculosis. Alternatively, drinking the raw juice from freshly slaughtered animals such as cows and rams will provide relief from TB. Fasting should accompany each of these treatments.Cure for TB is not immediate as in common diseases such as headache or malaria. TB drains substantial energy from its victim, therefore, energy needs to be restored along with any of the treatment methods discussed here.. Such energy can be derived from normal energy giving foods, thus effecting healing without usage of drugs.

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