Natural Health Remedies That Work

by Symptom Advice on April 15, 2011

Obviously you already know that the basics of fighting the flu are getting all the rest you can and drinking a bunch of fluids. You also want to get a lot of Vitamin C. Knowing those things is one thing but putting it into practice is quite another, especially when all you really want is relief from your cold symptoms. This is one of the reasons that so many people choose drugs over natural remedies. They offer quick relief from cold and flu symptoms. what really happens is that the medication sort of puts the symptoms "on hold" which is why the flu seems to last so much longer when you’re taking medications. why would you choose a longer cold with temporary spells of relief over a shorter cold with longer periods of relief?weight loss programs

Pure water is the way to go. Everybody knows they need between six and eight glasses of water each day but you can use water as more than something to quench your thirst. Drinking water is one of the best remedies for a headache-certainly better than an over the counter pain reliever. Dehydration is often the cause of headaches. a headache will often start to fade as soon as you drink some water. Water can be used for more than simple hydration. Hot baths, for example, are great for helping people break fevers (just remember to keep a cold compress on your head so you don’t get dangerously overheated). Hot baths are great for relaxing the muscles as well as helping you sweat your fever out. Sweat is how your body does its own temperature regulation as well as how it brings fevers down.Diet Solution Program

Garlic is well known for its detoxifying properties. To get better quickly, take 1500 mgs of garlic a day and wave good-bye to your cold! To get 500mgs into your system, eat one clove of garlic. if you don’t want to take a tablet to get your 500mgs, just include a clove of garlic into each meal you cook. Garlic is readily available; you can by clove flowers of garlic at the store for low prices or a bottle of the spice pretty inexpensively. Don’t spend more than five days taking in so much garlic. Your doctor should be called if you spend more than five days feeling very sick.

Don’t eat sugar. Sugar makes it easier for you to get sick because it makes your immune system weak. Cutting out sugar can help you feel healthier and stronger which is part of keeping yourself free of illness. while many people opt for sugary drinks when they are sick because they like the taste, staying strong and drinking water instead is better for you. Natural health remedies are great but if eating sugary snacks and foods won’t let them do the job you want them to do.burn the fat feed the muscle blog

It’s easy to find natural health cures to common colds and other illnesses. take some time to figure out what you already have on hand that can help you feel better before you decide to make a trip to the pharmacy. after a while you might even start to realize that you’ll get better faster if you choose natural health remedies. why not give it a try-your body will thank you for it!

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