Need some help! Does anyone suffer from pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on December 13, 2010

I'm 25 years old and was diagnosed with pancreatitis 8 months ago, but have been suffering with it for about a year and half. I was given pancreatic enzymes to help digest my food and although the ctscan didnt show any visual damage to pancreas the levels of …something measured up to someone with chronic pancreatitis. So the doctor diagnosed me with "possible chronic pancreatitis." I have all the symptoms and I'm only 25. I stopped drinking and take my medicine, but for the last 2 weeks every time i eat, even with medicine it hurts when i lie down or wake up in the morining. Im miserable and i cant help but think that im going to die prematurely of pancreatic cancer or something. I wonder if there is anyone out there that has been diagnosed in there 20s and still going strong in their 50s or 60s. It just doesn't seem possible. anyone want to share their stories would help too. I just dont have anyone to talk to because no one understands what its like. Just trying to reach out to someone who could help i suppose. Thx.

Sounds like you need to have an examination of the inside of your stomach.
Could be an ulcer, may be all you need is an antacid.
Sounds like you have/doing the right things to prevent a worsening of your condition, well done:)
People can live with it for a lot of years, so keep up the good work you have already done.
Go see a Doctor, you may referral to a Gastroenterologist.

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