New Alzheimer’s Test

by Symptom Advice on August 19, 2010

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There is a new test to predict Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear in patients.

Experts say this is monumental, because by the time there are symptoms, it may be too late.

“I’ll forget the names of movies, a friend’s name, sometimes and the day of the week,” said Alzheimer’s trial participant, Barbara Gautier.

Barbara Gautier has common symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease. A type of dementia that plagues many older Americans.

“About 14 mil people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease right now. In the next 20 years it will be 30 million…it is not increasing but we are having more awareness so we are able to diagnose it better,” said Geriatrician, Dr. Sai Avula.

Much better actually. Experts say a new spinal fluid test can be up to 90 percent accurate in identifying patients with Alzheimer’s and more importantly, will help identify 36 percent of those who may get Alzheimer’s in the future.

This is how it works.

“Putting a needle in the back and drawing some fluid from that and we can identify the two proteins the beta amyloid and tau proteins,” said Avula.

These two proteins are abnormal proteins, and when inside the brain, cause Alzheimer’s.

Up till this point, the proteins could not be identified until it was too late.“In the past we used to identify this in autopsy,” said Avula.

Dr. Avula also says, there may be more good news in Alzheimer’s research.

“Headed toward finding a vaccine against these proteins so in the next couple of years we’ll be hearing a little bit more about it.”

Dr. Avula says the best preventative steps against Alzheimer’s are the basics:

Eat right, exercise and keep your brain active with social interaction and puzzles like crosswords.

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