New study: CT scan cuts lung cancer deaths by 20 percent

by Symptom Advice on November 26, 2010

PHOENIX – what is the number one cancer killer? many would answer breast cancer for women and perhaps prostate cancer for men, but the truth is it’s lung cancer for both sexes.

The reason, 85 percent of lung cancer symptoms present themselves during the latest stages of the disease, according to Dr. Michael Smith with the Heart and Lung Institute at St. Joseph’s Medical Center. That means by the time you get diagnosed, it’s already too late.

A new study could change that. The National Lung Screening trial concludes that a CT (computed tomography) scan can catch tumors early and reduce deaths from lung cancer by 20 percent.

Dr. Smith says this is something they have always believed to be true, but have never had the scientific evidence.

He says, currently only 15 percent of lung cancer patients find their cancer in the early stages and most of the time it’s found by accident.

“The patient comes in for a knee surgery and has a lung scan to prep for surgery,” said Dr. Smith.

He says it will be several years before details can be determined like; who should be scanned, when they should be scanned and how these pricey scans are going to be paid for.

“Major hurdles will be funding,” said Dr. Smith.

He believes research for breast, colon and prostate cancers get more funding and thus more results.

Dr. Smith says tobacco has a grip on our country, but because smoking is a choice, lung cancer patients get less sympathy than other cancer victims.

But he says this is a long awaited step in the right direction.  

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