Notre Dame associate professor leads seminar on dealing with autism

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

For those unsure of how to deal with a loved one diagnosed with autism, Tuesday marked the day to get an extensive lecture on the disorder from an accredited professional who teaches it.

Notre Dame assistant professor Joshua Diehl gave a presentation on autism at the Dow Center on Hillsdale College’s campus. a packed room watched closely as Diehl explained the ways families and  organizations can deal with the disorder more effectively, outlining the pros and cons of several teaching methods related to autism but advised breakthroughs take time.

“Children with autism don’t learn things the way we do,” he said during the conference. “It’s a time-consuming process. there is no magic bullet.”

Diehl said if someone has a child who has been recently diagnosed with autism, they should visit, a website with several free resources to learn more about the disorder and how one can more effectively deal with autism. Some symptoms of autism are difficulty communicating, repetitive behaviors and self harm.  

Read the story here or in our print edition.

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