Nutrition That Can Help Sinus Sufferers

by Symptom Advice on March 21, 2011

Sinus is a disease that’s easy to relapse. if the patient is not smart away from the sinuses can trigger another recurrence despite surgery. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavity. this disease often occurs in people who are allergic to originators such as dust or cold air. a person is more at risk of sinus if he often had the flu, respiratory infections by bacteria or viruses, a broken nose and the presence of polyps in the nose. other factors such as smoking, pollution of water, the use of decongestant medications (drugs relieve blocked nose), cold air, divers, aviators and swimming in contaminated water can also increase risk.Symptoms similar to ordinary flu that often occur during the rainy season such as runny nose, nasal congestion, mucus, fever and headache (usually after waking), Snot yellow or greenish, bad breath, cough, mucus, high fever (above 39 degrees Celsius), toothache, and less sensitive to taste and bau.infeksi sinus cause facial pain, swelling or fever should be evaluated by a physician.There are certain nutrients that can help people with sinus, in addition to consuming adequate water, namely :Yogurt.Yogurt contains lactobacillus, the probiotics (good bacteria) that may contribute to reduce the allergy so as not to worsen the sinus infection. in addition, probiotics can strengthen the immune system.Pineapple.Pineapple can help reduce sinus because it contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help alleviate sinus symptoms. Bromelain contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation (inflammation) and swelling in the nasal passages.Vegetables and fruits.Quercetin is an enzyme in the plant pigments responsible for color in vegetables and fruits. These pigments also act as an antihistamine. Quercetin is found in fruit bits, apricots, selederi, apples, oranges, broccoli, sprouts, cherries, kale, spinach, pears and peaches.


Another benefit of pineapple fruit: Pineapple Fruit to Improve Endurance Body of People with HIVUntil now has not found the drug to overcome HIV / AIDS, but a variety of natural herbs is claimed to overcome the complaints that accompany the disease. a study again reveals the benefits of pineapple juice to improve the immune system of HIV. Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant that can be found in various parts of Indonesia although believed to come from Brazil and the surrounding area. The fruit is not a true fruit, but fruit that accumulate into one compound. One of the most dominant content in this fruit is bromelain, a protein enzyme destruction often dimanfaatan to soften the meat while cooking.

Apparently in addition to cooking, this enzyme can also break down proteins in the virus that causes AIDS sheath Human Immunnodeficiency Virus (HIV). once given the pineapple juice on a regular basis for 4 weeks, all three patients showed positive developments related to levels of CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4) which is an indicator of endurance. Increased levels of CD4 significantly, from approximately 150 cells / ul to 650-720 cells / ul (normal 410-1100 cells / ul). with only 3 patients who followed the trial, these results must still be questioned. Because it intends Maruli cooperating with a number of health centers, to recruit 50 patients with HIV who are willing to be involved in research around the beginning of 2011 next

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