Oral Herpes Symptoms: Herpes Transfer and Treatment

by Symptom Advice on March 2, 2011

Approximately 10 % individuals infected with herpes, show symptoms like fever and blisters. it takes about 10 days for the symptoms to become apparent, after exposed to the virus.

The typical symptom is the development of fluid filled blisters. Single blisters or a group of blisters develop. Areas affected are: gums, throat, roof of the mouth, tongue, and inside of the cheek. Eating and drinking becomes troublesome. Soreness in the mouth, pain, discomfort and dehydration are other commonly occurring symptoms.Accompanying symptoms are: fever, tiredness and muscle ache. Lymph nodes of the neck may also swell and get inflamed. In general, the infection resolves without any medicine.

Getting examined by the physician is very important. the doctor will prescribe topical anesthetics which alleviate the pain of the cold sores.

Infants and those having a weak immune mechanism need oral or intravenous drugs administered.

Oral acyclovir or famvir are medicines used to manage the manifestations of oral herpes. these drugs also help decrease the frequency and intensity of the episodes of infections.

Oral herpes is highly infectious, and spreads easily.  It spreads from an infected individual to another via close contact.

It also spreads from one part of the body, to the other, thus, it is very vital that you wash your hands well after you have touched a cold sore.

Kissing, or touching areas that are actively infected cause a spread of the virus.

Sexual intercourse is an important route of spread

Sharing the same container / glass, using lipsticks of an infected individual, or smoking a common cigarette; results in a spread of the virus.

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