Oral Yeast Infection Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on February 13, 2011

I recieved oral from a guy. I just got over my period and also think i scratched with a tampon. I got a yeast?

I got a yeast infection the next day but i also took yeast infection pills and it went away.

I know some stds dont have symptoms but i got checked for VD and it came out negative after about a week. So can I get stds from this experience. the guy also smokes cigars yuck yuckcan i get hiv from this?its been a year i dont have herepes!

Hiv could be passed during oral sex if your partner happens to have it to begin with and had some cuts in their mouth while they gave you oral sex. you actually could get herpes from oral sex. This happens when you receive oral sex from some one that has or gets cold sores. cold sores are caused by a very common and contagious virus called oral herpes but it’s more likely to be passed on while there are any signs of an out break. If he had an std or sti in his mouth or throat he could have passed it to you during oral sex. It could be BV or trich, but have a full std screening done to be on the safe side if you experience any other unusual symptoms.

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