Pancreatic cancer may be available for early detection through discovery of new panel of biomarkers

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011

pancreatic cancer may be available for early detection by the discovery of new biomarkers Panel

recently researchers have discovered several biomarkers in a panel of proteins that show the development of pancreatic cancer at an early stage, which can increase the testing and early treatment of the deadly disease.

Science Daily reported that the “five-biomarker panel, if developed commercially, can be useful when combined with a currently available test to measure a biomarker of pancreatic cancer called CA 19.9, which is higher than 80 percent time in patients newly diagnosed. ”

the study involved experts Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Michigan and Belfer Institute for Innovative Cancer Science at Dana-Faber Cancer Institute have collaborated on all the results revealing that the biomarkers in the test mice in the study reflected similar biomarkers in humans.

This means that if biomarkers in mice and humans are similar, the biomarkers will probably be able to increase early detection of the deadly disease of the pancreas.

because treatments are most effective during the initial stages of this disease, this could revolutionize the detection of this and potentially other similar diseases, according to statements by experts from news reports .

Set pancreatic cancer

cancer develops in the tissues of the body that commonly “regulates sugar metabolism,” according to the Mayo Clinic. Unfortunately, the Mayo Clinic also reported that often conditions described as “a leading cause of cancer death,” because it is not detected in its infancy and has a very poor prognosis.

according to Science Daily, pancreatic cancer is “the fourth leading cause of cancer death … with a rate of five-year survival of only 3 percent.” In addition, 90 percent of the time a tumor can be successfully treated if detected early, however, if taken later, it can be successfully treated 10 percent of the time.

Each year, more than 29,000 more Americans are diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), who also explained that pancreatic cancer is considered a “silent disease” because of minimal symptoms and sometimes misleading that are difficult to recognize and associate with pancreatic cancer. the NCI reported the following symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer:

* nausea and vomiting

* loss of appetite

* pain in the upper back or abdomen

* dark urine from jaundice

* yellowing of the skin and eyes

Causes and

Prescription Drug dangers

according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), there are several risk factors associated with the development of pancreatic cancer, but researchers still do not know the exact cause of the condition. however, the following conditions are common characterisitcs making an individual more likely to develop the condition, according to ACS:

* *

diet, lack of exercises and

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