Pancreatitis? Should I be concerned?

by Symptom Advice on February 16, 2011

Hello-I am hoping to hear some comments from anyone who has had or known anyone with pancreatitis, or delt with an inflammed pancreas.I suspect I am having symptoms of an inflammed pancreas, but not sure if I am in enough pain to go into the doctor. I have had bad experiences w/doctors and I am.. well.. just basically being stubborn about going. I had a flare up last month- the pain was sever enough for me to be in tears, but I just went to sleep. now, for the past two days I am experiencing the same type of pain. it feels almost like a very bad side ache (caused by running) but of course I haven't been running. the pain is in my upper left abdomen and burrows to the back (which seams to be where most of the pain is) it seams to get worse throughout the day. it hurts when I move certain ways or walk and seams to be ok if I just lay around although it still "aches" & almost "burns". I am not sure if I should be concerned. I am in pain, but can the doctors even do anything to help?

yes -follow up with your GI doc. write down your list of questions and have them answered BEFORE you leave the office.

you can probably wait until tomorrow to call a doc, but if you are not keeping things down or are dehydrated then you should check it out sooner. Pancreatitis can be really nasty.

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