Pancreatitis Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 26, 2010

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas which is a gland located behind the stomach in the upper abdomen. this gland carries out vital functions that deal with the digestion of food. the Pancreas produces enzymes and insulin which regulates blood sugar. Inflammation can take place quickly and acutely over a period of days (acute pancreatitis) or can take place and reoccur over a period of many years (chronic pancreatitis). Gallstones are normally the cause of acute pancreatitis as well as over indulging in alcohol consumption. But these are not the only causes of acute pancreatitis. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include upper abdominal pain that lasts for a few days.

The sufferer of this condition could experience damage to the gland if the enzymes that are part of the digestive tract achieve a state of premature activation. this means that they become activated prior to experiencing secretion in the region of the duodenum. once this occurs, the enzymes immediately start a full attack on the pancreas. the pain of pancreatitis begins when the digestive enzymes become active inside the pancreas instead of waiting to begin working inside the small intestine. When this happens, the digestive enzymes are essentially digesting the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis conveys a single episode of the self-digestion of the pancreas.

Chronic pancreatitis symptoms treatment begins with knowing the symptoms of pancreatitis. Upper abdominal pain, radiating toward the back area, is indicative of pancreatitis. this pain is difficult to treat with ordinary painkillers or analgesics, especially since some painkillers can mask the consequent nausea and vomiting that also accompany pancreatitis. if not the right treatments are carried out, such pain, including all the other symptoms associated with pancreatitis may exacerbate. Long-term complications may even develop, and such diseases are diabetes, bleeding, anemia, jaundice and the inability to digest food. So in order to stay clear of these additional health problems, pancreatitis symptoms treatment should be conducted easily and efficiently.

Some of these pancreatitis early symptoms may not actually be caused by pancreatitis because other conditions can also make these symptoms occur. a doctor is the best person who will first study your pancreatitis early symptoms and then diagnose whether or not the symptoms are being caused by pancreatitis or by some other health problem. When a person has pancreatic cancer, enzymes that would normally be produced by the pancreas get halted. this is a problem since these enzymes help ensure a healthier digestion. as a result a pancreatic cancer sufferer may encounter digestive problems, especially if the foods they are consuming are high in fat.

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