Patience and Healing in Livermore

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

Good health takes time and hard work in Livermore!

It is true that we all want to heal quickly and be rid of sickness or bad feelings immediately. It is probably this exact reason that people are always looking for the quick fix and trying ‘magic pills’.

But the truth of the matter is, in life most good things take work and in most cases hard work. this is true when it comes to healing from injuries and getting back to good health.

In my chiropractic office every day I have patients who come in with back pain and neck injuries that have suffered with these injuries for years and are hoping for a quick fix to get rid of the pain.  although I would like to provide them with a quick fix, it is unrealistic in most cases to correct an injury that has been present in someone’s body for several months or even years! By the time people usually decide to do something about their injury, the injury has been present in their body for a long time. the notion most of us has it is, if it doesn’t hurt, nothing’s wrong kind of like, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. But nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to good health! our bodies are so incredible in adapting and trying to cope and heal all seconds of our lives.  It is because of our strong protective mechanisms built into our survival, that pain and symptoms of injuries are not always apparent until it has become a larger threat or gone on too long that the body cannot sustain any longer. That is when pain or symptoms appear. most of us think that once the symptoms appear, the injury appeared but in most cases this isn’t so. That is why it takes time to truly heal from an injury and achieve good health. That is also why, eating and exercising regularly won’t show weight loss over night but over time, the body will change and adapt to eating better and burning calories.

Anything good takes time and that is why I always tell my patients who want more than a quick fix but a solution to their condition to have patience and follow through with their care and exercises because it will pay off!

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