Physical symptoms of having high liver enzymes?

by Symptom Advice on February 3, 2011

Last time I had a blood test every thing was fine apart from having slightly high liver enzymes. Apart from showing up on your blood test as being high are there any actual physical symptoms that show from having high liver enzymes?

No one blood test is 100% accurate.
It depend which enzymes where elevated.
The ALT enzyme is mostly made in the liver,
so it is the test they rely on most to see if
the liver cells may be damaged. The others
are made in other organs, also.

Many things can effect these blood tests:
exercising before the blood was taken,
having an intramuscular injection,
having muscle injury, and even some

It is best to have more blood testing done.
The doctor will compare them and also
see if these enzymes will return to a normal
level. if they stay elevated, then he may
do more blood tests to see if this is a liver
problem: like the liver functions tests and
the liver viral tests. if he suspect a liver
problem for certain, than an ultrasound
or Ct scan will show if inflammation has
developed in the liver because of liver
cell damage. (It would cause the liver
to enlarge in size)

Usually patients do not have symptoms when
the enzymes are elevated, unless it is a liver
problem. The first signs are usually things
that can be mistaken for other things:
like being tired or having flu like symptoms.
The real first sign of a liver or biliary problem
is Jaundice (yellowing of the whites of the eyes
and skin and possibly the darkening of the urine).

I hope this information has helped you. best wishes

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