Pineapples slow ageing, suppress cough

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

Oghenekevwe Owhokevwo

Every fruit has is nutritional benefit to humans, pineapple is not left out. A sticky and sweet tropical fruit, one cannot pass by pineapple without wanting to taste it. this fruit has an exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavour that balances its taste of sweet and tart with a beautiful yellowish color.

Pineapple, also called Ananas comosus is a tropical fruit, which can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen or by drinking its juice. it is the most popular tropical fruit and the second in rank to bananas.

The rough, tough, scaly rind may be dark green, yellow, orange-yellow or reddish when ripe and it can be used in desserts, salads, as a complement to meat dishes and in fruit cocktail.

There are numerous health benefits of pineapple, which is rich in Vitamin C, Manganese, Fiber, and Copper. Vitamin C in Pineapple acts as a disease fighting antioxidant, protecting the body from free radical and it also boosts immunity, helping the body to fight off cold and infections.

Manganese helps to build the bones, controls blood sugar and also produces energy for the body. the fiber in pineapple reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes, promotes weight loss and makes weight maintenance easier while the copper in fruit reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Just one cup of pineapple provides 73 per cent of the daily recommended amount of manganese. this aids the growth of bones in young people and strengthens bones in older people.

due to its high vitamin C content, pineapples are good for oral health as well. Vitamin C can reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Vitamin C also increases the body’s ability to fight invading bacteria and other toxins that contribute to gum disease.

One of the most important enzymes in pineapple is Bromeliain, which is the key to many to the health benefits of pineapple. Bromelain can refer to one of two protease enzymes extracted from the plant

Bromelain is useful as an anti inflammatory enzyme, which reduces swelling and assists in the treatment of conditions such as acute sinusitis, sore throat, arthritis and gout.

A Research in Australia reveals thats Bromelain in pineapple is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains by reducing swelling, tenderness and pain. this powerful anti-inflammatory effect can also help relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and reduce post-operative swelling.

There are even some beneficial molecules hidden in the stem of pineapple. these molecules have been seen to act as a defense against certain types of cancer. Cancer benefited by these molecules are ovarian, breast, lung and skin cancers.

Eating of pineapple also helps to maintain good eye health, helping to protects against age related eye problems and suppresses coughs, cold and loosens mucus. this is as a result of the Bromelain found in the pineapples.

Pineapple could be useful for women suffering from painful periods. Choose ripe fruits of good colour when seeking pineapples. this is because they not become sweeter on storage if they are picked green.

Other health benefits of pineapple is that it prevents nausea including morning sickness and constipation. it also regulates the gland found to be helpful in cases of dyspepsia bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tube) and high blood pressure. Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms, combats diphtheria and other infections of the throat.

To prepare pineapple, you need to peel it, remove the eyes (the thorny protrusions within the puffy squares of the skin) and the fibrous center. first, cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple with a sharp knife. place the pineapple upright on a cutting board and carefully slice off the outer skin. once the fruit is prepared, it can be diced and eaten fresh, added to salads and entrees for an exotic flavour, or made into tasty tropical drinks.

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