PLEASE HELP! Weird uterine/cervix/bladder/gut symptoms. VERY painful and frustrating :'(?

by Symptom Advice on March 2, 2011

I have been going to the doctors for a few symptoms for a while now and test results are still pending etc
I am sixteen years old and gave birth to a healthy baby girl almost six months ago and have been getting these/intense symptoms since.
I also did not hav my six week check up, however the doctors are being very slack with my health and putting alot of it down to stress.
At first I wasn't sure if it was IBS, PID or something similar but the symptoms are so bad now i'm skeptical.

Pleaser help! any opinions/knowledge much appreciated!

The serious (ish) symptoms that I get but not very often are;
irregular bleeding
very sharp intense stabbing pains in my uterus/gut
clots in menstrual blood

And the regular symptoms;
what feels like intense period pains all the time
shooting pains in what feels like my cervix/uterus/gut
MUCH pain during sex
vaginal dryness
bloating of my lower tummy with severe pain
grumbles and gurgles from that area
pain and aching when needing to go to the toilet (to empty bowels – is relieved once i've gone)
constipation/diahorrea… general bowel discomfort!!
pain when I urinate
feeling like I need to go ALL the time
Iching in genital area

I have just discovered a lump/swollen area in my lower tummy (womb I think), (!) to the left (womb/uterus? bowels?) which aches and feels heavy when I move.

The doctors have run tests, there are no STI's etc or urine infections but the problems are in all those areas.
My boyfriend also has the HPV (genital warts) infection (but we have been using condoms since I gave birth) and I have a weakened immune system.

Please help, anything welcome, in so much pain 24/7 and getting a little worried as they say i'm too young for a smear :(

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