Pls help me……..Gallstones symptoms and questions?

by Symptom Advice on April 4, 2011

are all these gallstones symptoms?
will gallstones pain always be there all the time?

1. heartburn
2. nausea
3. Diarrhea
4. gastric pain
5. pain on the upper middle and upper right tummy
6. dull/ mild pain which is always there most of the time
7. tiredness
8. stomach pain
9. loss of appetite
10. bloatedness

i had all of those symptoms….turned out that my gallbladder was stopped up…got it removed…now i have to suffer with the chronic diahrea !! but i dont have the pain anymore

Cholelithiasis is the presence of one or more calculi (gallstones) in the gallbladder. In the US, 20% of people > 65 yr have gallstones, and most disorders of the extrahepatic biliary tract arise from gallstones. Gallstones may be asymptomatic or cause biliary colic but do not cause dyspepsia (indigestion). other common consequences of gallstones include cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder); biliary tract obstruction (usually as a result of bile duct stones), sometimes with infection (cholangitis-inflammation of a bile duct); and gallstone pancreatitis. Diagnosis is usually based on ultrasound. if cholelithiasis causes symptoms or complications, cholecystectomy(excision of the gallbladder) becomes necessary.
Please see the web pages for more details on Gallstones.

i had gallstones while i was pregant with my 1st n suffered dearly, i had pain in the middle of my chest which went all then way thru to my back, it was like some one had a knife in there. the pain comes and goes usually after u've eating, it can last for hours and days at a time, i was 21 when i had my gall bladder out thank god, but unlucky for me they left a gallstone behind so i suffered again until i had that taken out about 6 months later.
you can take buscopan from the chemist to relive the pain while ur waitin to have it out or panadine forte from ur doctor.

I have a gallstone that I was not aware of (no major symptoms) until one day, I experienced excruciating pain in the upper middle and upper right of my stomach. It was so severe, and happened so quickly. I could barely get into a lying down position, and once I did, I could barely get up. I don't recall many of the other symptoms you mentioned, but I finally got it diagnosed and it was a HUGE gallstone, 1.3 cm in size. my Dr. said he was shocked that I had not detected it before, as it was so large. I was eligible to have elective laproscopic surgery but the pain completely went away and I opted not to. So to this day, I still have a gallstone (I wonder how big it's gotten now!?) my pain was caused by the stone blocking the entry passage in the gallbladder. I guess it moved, and is no longer blocking the hole (or rather, exit passage as it is).

I had gallstones. the pain gets worse from eating, and not just greasy foods. I would hurt like crazy from eating an apple. if its ulcers, eating usually alleviates the pain. good news is that they don't have to cut you wide open anymore to remove the stones. they do it thru a tiny cut and go in with a scope.

i have that right now were in dis togetha

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