Possibly Pancreatic cancer?

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

I have been seeing doctors since December 2008. Many of my symptoms are fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, depression which are many of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I also have GERD. I have had an ultrasound done and nothing came up. I am 16 years old, so that kind of lowers my chances of having it. Should i be worried about the potential of having it and should i ask my Doctor about getting a test?

Pancreatic cancer is extremely rare in a 16 year old to the point that I am not sure there has ever been a reported case in that age group (I am talking the usual pancreatic cancer adenocarcinoma). Pancreatic cancer is usually a disease of middle aged to elderly individuals. Symptoms include pain, weight loss and jaundice (yellowing of eyes and skin). The unfortunate thing is that these symptoms usually do not develop until the disease is advanced and incurable. The weight loss is usually significant, so if you have not had any then it makes it less likely. your symptoms most likely are due to common benign conditions. I personally do not think you need any further evaluation for pancreatic cancer. your doctor may want to check other tests to look for other causes, but not to look for pancreatic cancer.

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