Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on April 5, 2011

Dengue Fever – post viral syndrome experience?

I contracted dengue fever that has turned to the serious bleeding form over (DH) when visiting family in Mexico. I have been off work for over 2 months with extreme fatigue, joint pain, and muscular weakness. For the first month, I had abdominal swelling and pain, rapid heart rate, back rash, fever daily, and other bizarre symptoms. I had several blood tests for liver and other organ function as well as ultrasound (nothing too alarming). my doctor thinks I might have a "post-viral syndrome." Do you have personal experience with prolonged and / or unusual (eg beyond mere "several weeks of exhaustion") recovery of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic?

Yes, I Dengue had when I was 27 years old and in excellent condition. I was dressed to go out to eat and a movie in Ponce PR and thought I could fix a time. I came at least a day later, with stabbing pain on moving my eyes, it made the bathroom to see me covered with small red spots, urinated what appeared to be blood, and he has returned to his bed after a little water. I regained consciousness a couple of times, once during the day and a times during the night, but did not know how many days passed without me was very difficult and lonely. when I finally returned to me to crawl up the door and put half of that if a neighbor to me and help me. It was dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever Break Bone. It is a disease amazing and powerful. I had no symptoms of dengue Post swelling, rash, fever or you're saying. but I was serious weakness if I traveled to Puerto Rico to Florida to stay with a parent and could not walk to the plane I was so weak after three weeks had passed dengue. I had many shocks with dengue, and realize that I could not make the plane unless I ask for help and a wheelchair to get to the plane was one of them. to put this into context: I took a trek to the Yucatan peninsula of Isla Mujeres off the beach and trails chicleros two years ago, and had worked my way to Puerto Rico on a seagoing tugs a few months before. The other extraordinary manifestation of post-dengue was for me a physiological and mental depression that began immediately after the cure of fever and lasted four months, at full speed and after 6 months. It was not a situational depression, but depression neurological and physiological is best described as the computer HAL in "2001: a Space Odyssey." I feel like HAL the computer when Dave had removed most of the power modules Memory HAL and said, "Mary had a little lamb …". I moved to ultra-slow motion. I spoke in monosyllables. I have not had the energy to walk to the water in front of the house. I was just there. At some point the question has crossed my mind wondered if I had suffered brain damage because of weakness and depression. The payback has made extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain and what called "general estar mal" (feeling bad in general). Do you remember the cartoons where Beetle Bailey Sarge would walk and look flattened Beetle with appendices esque after a truck ran over him? It looked like the picture I felt. Here's the good news: As you eat and sleep and rest, when you can play and daily walks that begin with small steps and progress, full recovery can be expected persistent physical symptoms and neurological disease that powerful. Tincture of time cures dengue.

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