Pregnant? symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on January 29, 2011

what are the symptoms of pregnancy? i'm 25 and my partner has just dumped me after a 4 year relationship and i hate to say this but i may be pregnant. (possible) conception was on june 13th. i've had no morning sickness but my period is three days late. thanks guys x

I'd say take a test and see what it says. That's probably just the easiest, quickest way to find out if you're pregnant or not. If a home test says you're pregnant, then you are. My doctor didn't even have me take a blood test, she just scheduled my ultrasound and sure enough there was a lil baby in there!

My situation was that one week I got sick and thought it was the flu. Nothing sounded good, but I was hungry all the time just couldn't eat. I was constipated…. sorry if TMI, but it goes with the whole pregnancy thing. I just felt a little off. I thought it was the flu because my stomach didn't feel great. but I wasn't nautious or throwing up, I just felt weird. This went on for a week, then I took the test after a week of it and found out I was pregnant.

Now it's a month later, this is when for the past two weeks morning sickness has kicked in full force. I've thrown up, been really nautious, super hungry & eating constantly, tired, sore boobs, backaches…….. all of it.

Those are all my symptons. From someone who has thought they were pregnant many times, just go buy a test and see what it says. That's the easiest way to do it. It was almost 7 weeks after my last period before morning sickness kicked in. So I'd definetely take a test and not rely on having symptons to tell you if you are pregnant.

I hope things work out for you!

I'd say take a test, Another thing i've learned is if you have a GUT feeling you May be Pregnant most likely you are. Go get a Check up or a 1st response test and take care of yourself

Try taking another test in a couple days. If it still says negative and your period hasn't shown up yet, go see a doctor.

well it may be nothing go to this web

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