Prevent Asthma Symptoms By Drinking More Water

by Symptom Advice on January 17, 2011

By Susan Millar

It’s good for you, inexpensive and simple, but an often overlooked asthma remedy. Drinking enough pure water daily can actually help prevent and reduce asthma symptoms plus increase your general health and fitness. Dehydration produces a large amount of histamine, which creates back pain, inflamed joints, allergies and asthma. the lungs need water almost more than any other part of the body, when the body lacks sufficient water the lungs feel tight and sensitive.

In addition, restricted airways due to lung dehydration result in a decrease of water vapour from leaving your body. Next the mucous becomes very sticky and thick, making it harder to breathe. Asthma symptoms such as coughing or wheezing can occur. Experts say that increasing your pure water intake to eight to ten, eight ounce glasses daily can prevent these asthma and allergy symptoms and also reduce the frequency of attacks. they suggest drinking a glass every two hours works well.

Many people won’t drink that much due to the inconvenience of frequent urination, but it’s a small price to pay for better health. If your urine is not a very pale yellow, or even clear, you are not getting enough water (taking B-complex vitamins will result in bright yellow urine).

Distilled water or spring water is best, but filtered tap water will work just fine for most people and is less expensive. Prior to drinking, shake it vigorously for a while. This will oxygenate it.

Asthmatics also need to take more sea salt to break the mucus plugs in the lungs, which obstruct the free flow of air in and out of the air sacs. taking a pinch of sea salt after every two 8 ounce glasses of pure water is recommended.

If you are searching for a natural asthma remedy for your asthma symptoms and to improve your health and fitness you will find that the Dramatic Asthma Relief Report program is very effective and safe to use.

Want to find out more about ways to reduce asthma symptoms, then visit to choose the best natural asthma remedy for your needs.

categories: asthma symptoms,asthma attack,asthma treatment,asthma remedy,water,allergies,asthma,health and fitness,health

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