Preventing and Treating Heat Exhaustion

by Symptom Advice on August 26, 2010

Summer’s here and that means heat exhaustion’s also here. Heat exhaustion is caused by an increase in core body temperature coupled with loss of body fluid, or dehydration. it can be serious, so seek treatment as soon as possible before heat exhaustion turns into heat stroke.Symptoms of heat exhaustion include weakness, dizziness, warm, moist, pale skin, nausea and vomiting.

Preventing heat exhaustion is much easier than treating it afterwards. To prevent it, try staying out of the sun as much as possible. do not overexert yourself if you are outside, and drink plenty of fluids. Treating it may mean making sure the patient has an airway and is breathing, moving the victim to a cooler environment, such as shade or indoors, removing the victims clothes to encourage heat loss, and providing the victim with fluids. If they cannot follow commands, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Summertime can be a fun, especially when outside enjoying the weather. But be careful and make sure to always consider safety and wellbeing.

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