Prostate Problems: A men’s health problem many men are reluctant to confront

by Symptom Advice on February 23, 2011

Prostate Problems: a men’s health problem many men are reluctant to confront

Prostate Problems: a men’s health problem many men are reluctant to confront

For most men an enlarged prostate means years of annoying and some times embarrassing symptoms, often not bad enough to treat with surgery but bad enough to mean a lifetime of swallowing pills.

Hopefully most men get a blood test and/or a physical examination for prostate cancer some time in early middle age.  by the time men reach 50 – or earlier if they are experiencing a reduced flow of urine or there is a history of prostate problems in the family – they should be on their way to the Doc for a digital examination.   And no, a digital examination does not mean the Doctor uses some sort of electronic gadget.

A prostate examination should be a priority for middle aged men even if no symptoms are present.

If the typical symptoms of an enlarged prostate are not present it does not necessarily mean there is no cancer.  This is why it is important for men to have a prostate check even if they think they do not have a prostate problem.

A digital examination will very quickly determine if the prostate gland is enlarged but even if the prostate is enlarged it is not necessarily cancerous as most enlarged prostates are due to a non cancerous enlargement.  if a mans prostate is found to enlarged then it is likely the Doctor will arrange for a blood sample to be tested for Prostate Specific Antigens –  the PSA test. unfortunately the tests for prostate cancer are well known to be unreliable with both false positives and false negatives common and a blood test that gives a high ‘PSA” score (Prostate Specific Antigens) does not necessarily mean that cancer is present as a high PSA count can be temporarily caused by:

1: recent sexual activity2: Some physical activities may also cause a temporary blip in the PSA score3: Aging  (PSA levels increase as men age)4: Inflammation or infection of the prostate or urinary tract5: Benign or non cancerous enlargement of the prostate6: Obesity

There is a normal and natural level of Prostate Specific Antigens so men always have some showing in the test.  Your Doctor will discuss the test result with you but if the test scores over about 5 there may be some cause for a follow up. unfortunately PSA test results are not 100% reliable in indicating the presence of cancer and can vary due to age and other factors so do not panic if  the test result is a little high. I know one man who had an alarmingly high PSA result and was later found not to have prostate cancer.  it is therefore possible to have a blood test that indicates a possibility of prostate cancer and yet have no symptoms and no cancer.

A High PSA Score indicates Further Testing is Needed

If your blood test indicates a high PSA score then the Doctor will most likely arrange for a biopsy where a small sample of the prostate gland is taken via the anus for further analysis.  This involves a small tool being inserted in the anus which makes a serious of small punctures through the bowel and into the prostate gland to take tissue samples of the prostate.  This sounds painful but men who have experienced the procedure report it is pretty much a non event with just a sharp minor sting that doesn’t cause any significant pain or discomfort.  the anticipation is reported to be worse than the reality. the results of this test is likely to show there is no cancer as most men do not have or do not develop prostate cancer even if the prostate is enlarged.

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms

The symptoms of an enlarged prostate are usually incredibly annoying and can cause a sudden urge to urinate frequently. the swollen gland does not allow the bladder to completely empty as it squeezes the urethra and restricts the flow of urine just like squeezing a garden hose can restrict or stop water flowing through it.   an enlarged prostate is usually the problem of middle-aged men and the swelling of the prostate makes passing urine difficult and in the very worse cases, impossible.  If a complete blockage occurs urgent medical treatment is necessary.

Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate

Usually the symptoms become so annoying before a total blockage is experienced that treatment is sought long before it gets to this stage.  an enlarged prostate usually means the bladder is never emptied completely resulting in the frequent sudden urge to urinate and annoyingly, this often happens not long after previously urinating.  Usually the flow of urine is reduced to a very weak stream and there may be difficulty in getting started.  when the symptoms get bad the urine flow may be not much more than a dribble.  the urge to urinate can be so sudden and strong at times it can cause involuntary small discharges of urine and frequent waking in the night.  Sleep patterns are interrupted and fatigue result which result in some pretty unhappy men who are not only tired but have to try and manage their frequent need to urinate.

Left untreated, any difficulty in passing urine can lead to bladder and other problems so it is important to seek medical advice even when the symptoms are moderate.  about 45% of men can expect to start developing benign prostatic hyperplasia by their late forties with symptoms increasing in severity as they age.  Treatment with a drug is usually satisfactory for most men with mild symptoms although it does not entirely deal with the problem.  if the problems passing urine becomes unmanageable then surgery is often necessary and there are a several surgical techniques available now to improve the flow of urine.

I have more information about prostate issue and also about a diet for better prostate health on my health blog.

Ian MillerHealth Writer

Incoming search terms for the article:

    , enlarged prostate, , prostate
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