Protecting Against Multiple Sclerosis By Using Sunshine

by Symptom Advice on March 5, 2011

For the last few years we have talked about very little else besides why you have to stay away from sunlight. We realize exactly how real skin cancer is as well as the risks associated with it so we do everything we can think to do to keep it from happening to us. We don many layers of the largest SPF sunscreens that we can buy. We fit large old floppy hats on our heads. even throughout the hottest seasons of the year we make ourselves put on long sleeves and pants. We try to stick to the shady areas-some individuals have even taken to carrying parasols around with them to keep the sun from ever making contact with their skin. Now we’re starting to find out that sunlight can sometimes be quite helpful. can direct sunlight seriously help you?

A new analysis has demonstrated that people who allow themselves some sun exposure are less likely to develop MS than those who try to minimize their sun exposure. Originally the study was to see how Vitamin D influenced the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. It rapidly became clear, though, that the Vitamin D made in our bodies as a reaction to the sun’s rays is what is really at the root of things.

It’s been known for a very long time that Vitamin D and sunshine can impact the way the immune system works and how it can contribute to Multiple Sclerosis. This study, on the other hand, deals primarily with the effects of the sun’s rays on the people who are just starting to experience the very earliest symptoms of the disease. The real goal is to see how sunlight and Vitamin D may affect the symptoms that are now known as “precursors” to the actual disease symptoms.

Unfortunately there are not really a lot of ways of really quantify the hypothesis of the study. This study is attempting to demonstrate whether or not sunlight can really help a person prevent Multiple Sclerosis. Sadly, the only real way to quantify whether or not this is accurate is to monitor a person over his or her entire life. This is just about the only method to really measure the levels of Vitamin D that are already present in a person’s blood before the precursors to MS start to become apparent. The way it stands today, and has stood (widely recognized) for a long time is that people who live in warm and sunny climates and who get more exposure to direct sunlight are less likely to develop MS than those who live in dark or cold climates and get very little exposure to the sun.

There is also the very critical problem that spending a lot of time in the sunshine greatly increases a person’s chances of developing skin cancer. So, in an attempt to keep one illness from setting in, you may be inadvertently causing another. Of course, skin cancer-if caught early on-has an improved possibility of being cured. MS still isn’t curable.

So what should you do: chance skin cancer or chance MS? Ask a family doctor if this is a good idea. your physician will explore your current state of wellness, your health history and even into your genetics to help you figure out if you even sit at risk for the disease at all. This can help your doctor determine just what the best thing for you to do is.

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