Psoriasis? Are there any remedies to help my symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

I have seen a Dr. in the past and I'm sure it is stress related psoriasis. It's getting better but I'd realy like some ideas for what I can eat, drink or put on my skin.

Thank you xxx

It burns, but rubbing vinegar on it can help clear it up.

sun is your best friend. I suffered from psoriasis since I was a teanager I keep it down to red patches but have seen people with a lot worse. I moved to Arizona and all patches are gone!!! now that I live in Washington I have notice lttle areas comming back so will be looking for tanning places. You don't need alot, no burn. Use a real good lotion with moisturizer.

I have found that tanning in a tanning bed (with no bronzing lotion) puts mine in remission.

cetaphil or am-lactin creams work great!

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