Question about perimenopause symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

I am 48 years old and I think I am becoming menopausal. does anyone out there have symptoms such as feeling confusion, and out of it and just very emotional? also feeling bad palpatations on and off during the day and night. Please help!!

Could be anxiety/panic attacks. they can cause your heart to race, to feel dizzy, "out of it", and all sorts of things. your doctor would be the best one to determine if it was a heart problem, but since this is just happening and you have all those other symptoms, I believe it is perimenopause. your family doctor or ob/byn could make the diagnosis.

Sorry…you are definitely experiencing the joys and sorrows of menopausal changes. your hormones are in flux as the system begins its shutdown. the palpitations are the only thing that should not be part of this process. it could be a thyroid problem but could be a stressful lifestyle or too much caffeine!
It would be a good time to go see your OB/GYN and get a full check up and blood test for hormone level for menopause. There are supplements that can help sooth the symptoms including black cohosh and soy. Drink lots of water, rest well at night, and walk every day. this will help. make sure your family is educated about this process so you have good support and understanding while you wade through these changes, that will take a few years to complete.

46 here and may i just say……..OH HELL YEAH….plus my sex drive is gone into over drive which my BF is hardly complaining LOL, yeah it's a rollar coaster of hormonal changes, im taking some supplements geared to Peri Menopausal symptoms, any decent healthfood store can help you out there.

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