Rabies symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 13, 2011

First off, we are in Vietnam and have no access to a Vet. One of our 4 dogs has been foaming at the mouth but not continuously. She is not being vicious and is still taking water. the question is… when a dog has rabies are the symptoms intermitent, are there periods where the dog will appear back to normal? or is it just total dimentia from the get go and continuous frothing from the mouth and attacking anything within reach? I was actually bitten by this dog about three weeks ago and it drew blood. not the dogs fault. the dog was stepped on by accident and just snaped at the offending foot. We need answers here. please help.

I hope you have access to medical care for yourself. normally, in humans, symptoms will appear in about ten days so if you do not have any, then your dog did not have Rabies when she bit you. could the foaming be caused by something else? could she have eaten a bug or a toad? some pesticides can also cause foaming at the mouth.

Rabies is also called Hydrophobia – fear of water. the animal is unable to drink because the throat swells up and prevents it from swallowing. not all dogs are vicious when they are Rabid. some get very quiet and sort of depressed. the disease is fatal to both humans and animals.

You did not say how long your dog has been sick but if it's Rabies, the disease will progress to the point of death. It is caused by a virus that spreads to the brain. I have included a link below to some additional information.

Rabies can show up as a number of symptoms. We usually say if the dog is exhibiting any signs that are not normal for it, especially and neurological signs, then it could be rabid. Just foaming at the mouth doesn't mean rabies–it could also mean nausea or a bad taste. If there is a chance she or you were exposed, you need to seek treatment–rabies is fatal.

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