Recovered parvo puppy gets cough, then weeks later recurring symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 20, 2011

I have 2 lab shep mixes that both had parvo, and a friends dog had it to so i cared for the three of them. My girl pup recovered very quickly, the boy slowly recovered, then attained a cough. Friends recovered parvo pup comes to visit for the weekend, and the boy vomited twice yesterday and had a parvo type defecation today. any suggestions on how to strengthen my boy?

I'm not a vet, but I would suggest giving them parvaid. you can give it to them as a preventative measure and also continue after they have recovered to prevent a relapse. I also have a puppy (st. bernard/boxer) just recovering from parvo – we are giving him parvaid four times a day along with vitamin c and he is getting stronger and healthier by the day. in addition, I have a rottie mix – also a puppy and a 2 yr old German Shepherd mix who were exposed to the virus. We have been giving them parvaid (especially the puppy) four times a day and she has not caught the virus yet.

My dog just recovered from parvo and she had some recurrent symptoms. I fed her unflavored pedilite to keep her hydrated, and made sure she got a lot of rest. she recovered fine. Just make sure the puppy stays hydrated

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