Refined sugar – Natural Health News by Dr. Brent Barlow

by Symptom Advice on March 27, 2011

What are Refined Sugars? Refined sugars or crystalline table sugar is obtained through the extraction of the juice from sugar cane. during the refining process the nutritional fibre and bulk is left behind. Sulfur Dioxide, milk of lime, carbon dioxide, charcoal (from charred beef bones) and calcium carbonate are used to purify and filter the sugar so it crystallizes out of the syrup. By the time the crystalline table sugar is formed, all water, minerals, proteins, vitamins and fibre are gone. You end up with sucrose, which is a sugar that requires a lot of energy to be broken down by the body.   Where do you Find Refined Sugars? Refined sugars are found in most processed foods such as ketchup, canned tomato sauces, crackers and baked goods including muffins, cookies, pies, pop, artificial-fruit juices, desserts, candy, chocolate, commercial breakfast cereals etc. Always read the ingredient list on the food you buy and look for hidden refined sugars under the names sucrose, liquid sugar, fructose, and glucose. unless it states that the sugars are naturally occurring (usually food found in health food stores) the sugars are most likely refined. What do Refined Sugars do to the Body? In order to metabolize refined sugars the body needs to pull vitamins/minerals found already in the body as well from other digested food. Refined sugar consumption causes the loss of B vitamins, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and other nutrients. Refined sugars cause certain people to become hungry and more likely to binge due to the loss of fibre, vitamins, minerals, protein and water from consuming the refined sugars. High refined sugar consumption can lead to diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, dental cavities, indigestion, gout, yeast infections, hyperactivity, lack of concentration, depression, anxiety and psychological disorders. What are the Symptoms of Refined Sugar Withdrawal? Refined sugars are physically addictive and when a person stops eating them, withdrawal symptoms can last for three days to three weeks. Symptoms include: strong cravings, fatigue, depression, lassitude, mood swings, and headaches. What are Healthy Substitutes for Refined Sugars? Honey, organically grown molasses, organic fruit juices, and stevia are healthy, naturally occurring substitutes for refined sugars. Molasses is formed from the residue left behind when sugar is extracted from sugar cane or sugar beets. Molasses contains B Vitamins, calcium, iron and a variety of other minerals. Honey is a simple sugar that is easily digested – it contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes making it a healthy alternative to refined sugars. it is also know as a good antibacterial agent. Fruits are an excellent snack and are filled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fibre, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Stevia is a herb that is 30-200 times sweeter than sugar, it has no calories and is safe to use for diabetics because it does not effect blood glucose levels. Honey, molasses and fruits are healthy alternatives and can be used on their own or to cook with.

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