Save on 2000 MG Super Hoodia Time Release Appetite Suppressant 100% pure Hoodia Gordinii diet pills, 2000mg per 2 cap. serving online shopping from a greatest selection of diet.

by Symptom Advice on March 23, 2011

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful: Starting to love and appreciate Hoodia!, June 25, 2010 This review is from: 2000 MG Super Hoodia Time Release Appetite Suppressant 100% pure Hoodia Gordinii diet pills, 2000mg per 2 cap. serving (Health and Beauty)

I had been reviewing the internet for good appetite suppressants. all I kept coming across at first was appetite suppressants that caused all sorts of horrible side effects like anxiety attacks, rapid heart rates, insomnia, just to list a few. I sure did NOT need that! Then I came across Hoodia and I loved that there are no known side effects, so I ordered just one bottle of Super Hoodia 2000 just to try it out. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and have tried all sorts of stuff that never worked so I really wasn’t expecting much. My order came with in 3 days. on the first day, I was worried that this would just be another scam coz I felt no different the first day. As a matter of fact, I think I might have felt hungrier that first day. on the second day I felt like my appetite was slightly curbed. now, I have been taking the Hoodia for a week and 1 day and I absolutely LOVE it! the Hoodia really has curbed my appetite during the day. My days get hectic and busy and it’s hard to always be able to grab a lunch. Yesterday all I had was a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and I could only grab a small lunch,4 pieces of chicken nuggets from a fast food chain so you know they were small. those chicken nuggets held me over for 7 hours!! Hoodia is a God sent, if I wasn’t taking it, I would have been going nuts with hunger yesterday. I haven’t noticed any pounds loss on the scale yet, but I feel great and that’s what counts the most. I have an energy that I’ve never had before. I’m awake and alert all day now, before, by 2pm all I wanted to do was sleep. now, it is true, it doesn’t take away your appetite, but is sure does help carry me through the day. I don’t focus so much on a rumbly tummy and I don’t think about what my next meal is going to be like I have in the past. this product is great and I’ll be ordering my 3 month supply for sure! Oh, BTW…nooooo side effects! Curbed appetite + no side effects=SCORE!

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