Scurvy – Vitamin C Deficiency – Causes, Symptoms, Remedies and Dietary Considerations

by Symptom Advice on April 26, 2011

Scurvy is also called Vitamin C deficiency disease. It is one of the oldest known deficiency disease. the disease is common among children and teenagers. Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C – which is necessary for collagen production and iron absorption – and so they must obtain it from external sources (such as citrus fruits).

- Lack of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.- Inadequate intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.- Stress which increases the utilization of ascorbic acid.- People who have spend lot of time away from the main land like sailors.- Ignorance.- Difficulty orally ingesting foods.

- Loss of appetite.- Exhaustion.- General weakness.- Paleness.- Sunken eyes.- Bleeding of gums.- Fragile capillaries.- Loosened teeth.- Petechial hemorrhage of the skin and mucous membranes.- Eye bleeding.

Diagnosis of Scurvy is done by calculating actual vitamin C levels that can be obtained by using laboratory tests that analyze serum ascorbic acid levels.

- Lime and Lemon are rich sources of vitamin C, the juice of one lime or lemon mixed in a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey should be taken for treating this condition.- Mango powder or aamchoor is an effective remedy for scurvy.- Try to eat potato meals at least two-three times in a week. It is very beneficial in such a condition. It contains 17mg of vitamin C in approximately 100 mg of potatoes.- Indian Gooseberry is the richest source of vitamin C. Dry amla should be powdered with an equal amount of sugar and one tsp thrice a day should be taken daily.- Boil about 15gms dried leaves of jaundice berry in 500ml of water till it is reduced to one-third. It should be in the doses of 2 to 4ml.

- After birth, children should be breast fed as mother’s milk is pure and fresh and contains correct proportions of all the necessary nutrients.- Foods that contain vitamin C are oranges, lemons, blackcurrants, guava, kiwifruit, papaya, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, bell peppers,broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, spinach, paprika, liver, oysters.- Sleep in a well ventilated room.- Undertake outdoor exercises like walking, swimming, cycling.

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