Sjorgren’s Syndrome: Is There A Cure?

by Symptom Advice on August 21, 2010

Unfortunately at this time there is no cure for Sjorgren’s Syndrome. Researchers are learning more about the condition all the time and trying to determine exactly what causes the body’s white blood cells to attack the moisture producing glands of the body. nine out of ten Sjorgren’s patients are women and most are in their 40’s. However Sjorgren’s can affect both men and women as well as children of any age.

Research studies around the country are being done on patients who have been diagnosed with Sjorgren’s to help develop a better analysis of the disease. even though symptoms can be very disruptive to your life most cases are not fatal as long the syndrome is properly managed by an understanding physician.

Treating the symptoms with natural alternative for sjogren’s syndrome is key to keeping the body functioning at its best. Patients may profit from a lots of medications to treat symptoms. Prescription of eye drops may comfort with tear generation and synthetic liquids for the mouth can help switch moisture that saliva normally would. if the internal organs are involved your doctor may prescribe immunosuppressive medications-meaning that they suppress the immune system to keep the white blood cells from attacking which may help reduce symptoms.

Mostly who agonize with this condition often suffers with dryness of mouth and eyes. Being without these basic bodily operations can be very disturbing to normal daily activities. Beginning to control the symptoms and using natural remedy for sjogren’s syndrome is the best protection for Sjorgren’s until a cure is found. Absence of moisture your eyes may be more likely to become afflicted, or you may have difficulty with your vision. without saliva your mouth’s defenses against bacteria are weakened. Patients are more likely to suffer from tooth decay, or cavities and may have a decreased ability to taste what they eat.

Your physician will be able to suggest the proper treatments for sjogren’s syndrome to help make your symptoms more tolerable. Make sure to report any changes in your symptoms as soon as possible.

Mike Boman a writer who wrote about natural alternative for sjogren’s syndrome which is an essential information for people. this article, Sjorgren’s Syndrome: is there a Cure? has free reprint rights.

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