Skin types and symptoms of psoriasis symptoms

by Symptom Advice on March 15, 2011

skin types and symptoms of psoriasis symptoms

/2010-04-29 16:19:44

in the history of human health, seriously affecting people’s health and normal life. it is layers of scaly, itchy patches of erythema, recurrent. Although not life threatening, but after long treatment occur in the exposed parts, such as head, etc., tend to make normal aversion to patients, patients with mental and physical form of a lot of pressure. Then I came to know the symptoms of psoriasis, right?

psoriasis symptoms are:

1, psoriasis easy to acute, chronic, tend to relapse. Disease often associated with the seasons, a summer increase in opera, those who fall and winter self-healing; also have winter recurrence, reduce by summer.

2, disease development, lesions form can take many forms. mostly acute guttate lesions, bright red, itching over the. Quiescent lesions often patchy or map-like and so on. Lesions often has faded moon ring, half ring. a small number of scales on the thicker skin rash, sometimes stacked, such as oyster shell-like.

3, lesions may occur in the symmetry of any part of the body. Occur in the elbow, knee extensor side and head. Small number of patients refers to the nails and mucous membranes may also be invaded.

4, patients with psoriasis following custom car flags who made erythrodermic psoriasis called erythrodermic psoriasis; a small amount of skin rash exudate, with wet scales. or the beginning of the small pustules, accompanied by fever and other symptoms known as pustular psoriasis; combined joint called the joint psoriasis lesions.

5, when the initial issuance of psoriasis to lentils needle flat major inflammatory papules, gradually increasing the infiltration of money or more pale red patches, the realm of clear, silver-white scales overlying layers. Gently scrape the surface of scales, then clap out a layer of shiny, translucent pink film, said film phenomenon. Then scrape film, small bleeding points appeared, called point-like bleeding.

This article reproduced from skin

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