Smoking and Lung Cancer (Early Detection of Lung Cancer)

by Symptom Advice on April 27, 2011

It’s them know that smoking is not good for health. There are so many diseases caused by smoking. Do not need all the way, the cigarette pack itself has stated what the impact of smoking, including heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus. that is just a few diseases that are mentioned, there are many more right course?

We all must have often heard about the cancer and must have been out about lung cancer. Research in Indonesia and in the world proves that the majority or approximately 80% of lung cancer caused by smoking. LUNGS CANCER is one of the cancers are often found in men and is closely related to smokers. Lung cancer is the growth of neoplastic (tumor) that are malignant are derived from one type of cell in the respiratory tract (bronchus). Factors that influence the occurrence of lung cancer in smokers is of age when starting to get used to smoking smokers, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, duration of smoking, smoking a cigarette inside, and also in cigarettes tar itself.Symptoms of lung cancer is usually not typical. May be common symptoms such as general weakness, no appetite, and the occurrence of weight loss. in addition to common symptoms were no pulmonary symptoms such as cough, a lot of phlegm, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

There are groups that have a high risk of lung cancer as people aged 40 or older, smoking, passive smokers and also the people who work in environments that contain carcinogens (is the material or factors that may cause cancer). High risk groups are strongly encouraged to consult regularly. Early detection of lung cancer is preferred in high-risk groups before the onset of symptoms by sputum examination and chest x-ray examination periodically every 4-6 months. in this way the discovery is expected to lung cancer at an early stage.

Lung cancer is preventable. the best way to prevent lung cancer is a way not to start smoking, stop smoking immediately if it is used, avoid cigarette smoke from other people, and obey the rules of health. Health is expensive you know. Better to keep it rather than cure? the earlier lung cancer is found, the more successful the treatment is given. Hopefully.

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