So I am 36 and am having symptoms of perimenopause, except all my blood test have come back normal,what is up?

by Symptom Advice on March 15, 2011

have had my thyroid tested, normal, am having hot flashes, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, dry skin. my mother and grandmother where done with menopause at 40. any answers or suggestions are appreciate…

Try some evening primrose oil, even my gyn thinks it's good. Found in the vitamin isle.

My hormone levels are still high, but i'm only having a period, every third month, but every month, I still get the crappy symptoms just no blood, that's ok though.

I am 56 and this is when my older sis started hving the same symptoms.

Evening primrose is for hot or even clammy feeling, The dry skin is awful, so keep a lot cold cream/face cream handy.

I already take a pill for sleeping, but sometimes it doesn't work, get some tylenol pm.

Good luck.

I recommend you try supplementing with bio identical hormones. Oestrogen can be bought in gel form which makes opting for a small dose very easy.
I do this as my oestrogen levels are still good. my Endocrinologist says that oestrogen can appear within normal range but produce unpleasant symptoms in some women as the body dislikes even a small drop.

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