Sore Throat on One Side

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

Sore throat on one side is an inflammatory condition of throat characterized by fever, bad breath, sore tonsils, sharp throat inflammation and pain. Bacterial infection, viral infection and tonsillitis are a few common causes of soreness of throat. This article is elaborating on critical condition of throat revealing symptoms and many additional causes. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Soreness on throat is a traumatic condition affecting one or all the sides of thereof with scratchiness and inflammation which torment the affected person extensively. Inflammatory symptoms of sore throat entitle it to be treated as a medical condition. Sore throat on any one side of throat though is known for its inflammatory symptoms, accompanied by fever, it actually is the symptom itself of pharynx which emerges between the mouth and esophagus. the researchers have yet not found any other condition accountable for sore throat emerging on side, except the infection caused by bacteria or virus in esophagus or tonsils. what the researchers have come across as of now, by dwelling on many tormenting conditions of the sore throat, is its preceding cold and fever, the two common critical health complications, associated with sore throat. in simple words the individuals, affected with sore throat, suffer from cold and fever as well presumably caused by bacteria and virus. the bacterial infection or viral infection though is a common cause of cold and fever; it causes sore throat as well symptomized by fever, throat-inflammation and difficulty in swallowing the consumables. Soreness in the throat on anyone of throat’s sides causes pain when drinking the water and swallowing the solid foods. any attempt on a part of person to brave extensive inflammation and swelling in the tonsil or pharynx causes high fever.    Causes of Sore Throat on one Side of Throat Going through the tormenting symptoms you must have got an idea how extensively the sore throat traumatizes the vulnerable ones. Now let’s have a look at a few noticeable causes of sore throat emerging on one side of throat.

Symptoms of Sore Throat on one Side


Soreness on one side of throat is symptomized by many embarrassing symptoms. As far as severity of the soreness in throat is concerned it depends upon the type of condition causing sore throat symptoms. following are a few embarrassing symptoms of sore throat emerging on one or all the sides of throat.

Uncommon Causes of Sore Throat Symptoms on one Side

Noticed in rare cases following are the symptoms of sore throat to be noticed on one side of throat.

  • Swelling in the lymph nodes of under the jaw.
  • Swelling over the throat suffering from inflammation.
  • Small blisters over the palate.

Treatment of Sore Throat on one Side

There is not to arise any difficulty in treating inflammatory syndromes of sore throat emerging on one side provided its causes are known well. use of antibacterial drugs and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) to be used as over-the-counter (OTC) treatment though has got to control inflammatory symptoms of sore throat in serious inflammatory condition it is required to be taken only under doctor’s supervision. the doctors conduct medical examination on a person suffering from soreness of throat on one side and then administer or prescribe the effective medicines to recover him/her from inflammation or soreness of throat. the individuals, suffering from mild inflammatory symptoms of sore throat on any one side of theirs throat can go for OTC treatment by taking ibuprofen or paracetamol. Penicillin and erythromycin also are the best OTC drugs exterminating bacteria in the throat that controls infection and provides great relief from inflammatory symptoms of sore throat on one side of the throat.

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