Soured Sweetness: Roger Bezanis:disease/ Lupus, Epstein Barr, Fibro, Chronic Fatigue etc. are caused by diet

by Symptom Advice on January 18, 2011

Class #230 of MON 17 JAN 2011 is starting. No cereal, toast or fried eggs! we sip fresh squeezed OJ mixed with Raw egg, eat citrus & read!

Disease is a funny word it means Dis (meaning no) ease or No ease. due to a great sales job by modern science, it means sneaky monster.

Disease or no ease does not just happen. Yet we are told that we just suddenly break. This is completely false. No on suddenly breaks.

When we break we were warned for years by symptoms that we didn’t understand or acknowledge. The symptoms are communications from our body.

Symptoms are communications from our body? yes, it has no voice or other means to communicate. it speaks to us via sensation or reaction.

In my book Diagnostic Face Reading and Holistic Healing I teach this in vast detail. The body has no words it speaks via pain, aches & more.

Every organ of the body has specific symptoms or speech that it uses. Yet we see these symptoms as annoyances and cover them with a drug.

What is the body via symptom talking about? “IT’S REJECTING SOME TOXIN OR STRESS ON THE BODY”, that is all. Read <<< that again, it is fact.

I made a study of every symptom the body gives when it’s unhappy, it’s published in full in Diagnostic Face Reading & Holistic Healing.

Science / Modern Medicine saw the symptoms the body gives as ways to sell drugs to HIDE the symptoms. Modern Medicine, “Removes or Sedates.”

But what about Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Mono, Chronic Fatigue, Graves, Osteo-& Rheumatoid Arthritis, Epstein Barr they must be different right?

No, they’re aren’t different (see the last post). Not only are they not different, they’ve the same symptoms & are due to the same issues.

I’ve mapped body function exclusively for the past 20 years. at one time or another I have had & eliminated the symptoms of these diseases.

Roger, you’ve had & erased the symptoms of Fibro, Lupus, Epstein Barr, etc? yes I had to or live in pain. it was me or them & I caused them.

How’d you cause symptoms of Lupus, Fibro, Epstein Barr etc? The same way we all do by ignoring body function & self poisoning via diet.

What? you are saying that Lupus, Epstein Barr, Fibro, Chronic Fatigue etc. are caused by diet? yes & the toxicity of symptom blocking meds.

Look you don’t need to read my books if you understand & apply this class this morning. A man-made diet is toxic & poisons. Ergo we are ill.

What we put in our mouth has to power to poison or heal. Man-made, cooked, canned, processed, frozen & junk foods are nutritionally dead.

Man-made, cooked, canned, processed, frozen & junk foods are nutritionally dead? yes, eating them long term causes dis+ease / symptoms.

If we can’t eat nutritionally dead, man-made, cooked, canned, processed, frozen & junk foods what do we eat? Fresh fruit & fresh veggies.

Fresh Fruit & Veggies is all I’m supposed to eat? No, you can add raw beef. What? you are suggesting I eat Raw Beef? yes, once a week or so.

I was okay with fresh fruit & veggies, but Raw Beef? you don’t have to eat Raw Beef you can substitute avocado or a few raw nuts instead.

What about fish? No, never eat fish. It’s beyond toxic unless you harvested it yourself from your own pond & didn’t eat it for 3 years.

Wow! do you eat this way? yes…. “But I hate fresh fruit & veggies what do I do?” get over it! do you want junk food pain or freedom?

Are you Lupus, Fibro, Grave’s, Wagner’s, Gibert’s, Leaky Gut, etc,. folks reading this class this morning? I am giving you the way out.

Listen up, all you Raw Beef whiners…. Remember when you were little & your mom let you eat raw beef? you liked it & wanted more. Remember?

What happened between the time you were little & liked Raw Beef & now? did you get smarter? No, you got scared about getting ill.

Of course some of you never tasted Raw Beef when you were little. Oh well you missed out. you can eat avocado & a few raw nuts for protein.

But wait fruit & veggies have protein right? This is true. The protein is only a trace amount but it is there & if eaten raw its viable.

Apparently some of you still haven’t read The Dangers of Fish… Read it now>>> HURRY READ IT!!

Sadly Modern Medicine has become a lover or mother or father to us. Folks love getting that attention. They’re thrilled to have “something.”

People are happy bouncing to work proclaiming, “Guess what I have _____!” as if self poisoning is badge of honor. get over it. Knock it off.

Modern Medicine needs your $$. to get it they need your compliance in shooting yourself in the foot on a daily basis. they need you ill.

The only way to stay ill is by repeating the same or similar errors on a daily basis. it is not hard the poisons are readily available.

Illness is a call from the body to stop poisoning & to detox. Yet modern medicine says party on! Just take these meds to hide the symptoms.

The choice to be ill is just that a choice. we build a house of toxins guaranteeing pain & then move-in. Yet we’re amazed by the results….

The reason I preach eating of Raw Foods? they aren’t offensive to the body. “But I gotta have cooked food” Then you have to have pain.

I had Fibro twice tingling, burning & or numb skin. In 2 weeks I knocked it out via detox & a cleaned up diet. This is not rocket science.

If you trundle to your Medical hacker I mean Medical Doctor he or she will give you a drug or sell you surgery. Why? That’s how they make $.

Medical Science is devoted to you living pain free with drugs & surgery. of course this leads to more pain, more drugs & more surgery.

Responsibility is a tough pill to swallow. Our condition is built on our choices. we live in our body & are responsible for its condition.

Ask your self as your ears get hot & red with anger, how does it serve you to not be responsible for your own condition? who does it help?

When we were little even then we knew we should not do certain things. we sometimes taught our wiser parents. we were wise huh?

As we got older we unlearned all we knew believing false data. we discovered tasty foods, bad habits etc. as science said got your back…

The answer is not drugs & surgery. The answer is self awareness, diet change & detox. The body is trying to rid itself of poisons daily.

But I have a broken leg! Emergency medicine to save a life is the portion of Modern Medicine that works. Daily emergency medicine is deadly.

There’s no reason to be healthy as we’re surrounded by advertisers who care about our $$ not our health. we have a big target on our back.

The only one who can choose to be healthy is you. This means you must say no to the junk & lies out there & make sound decisions. you can!

Read this class from the beginning, it started 2 hours prior to this post. back track & read it again if you have to. you can be healthy.

The only thing between you & being healthier is saying enough & starting. Daily people get healthier just by changing their diet.

Inherited disease is only inherited weakness. I should have a weak heart & be dead due to inheritance. I’m not as I take the other path.

Inherited disease is inherited weakness? yes, if we don’t destroy ourselves the weakness never activates. When weakness arises strengthen.

How do we strengthen? Remove toxins / irritants. People have had full & complete lives & a high IQ with 1/2 a brain. Weakness isn’t death.

Tomorrow I will teach common organ symptoms.

This concludes class # 230 of MON 17 JAN 2011. TY for attending. you can be healthy the 1st step is to know health is a choice not luck.

I’ve helped 10′s of thousands of people who wanted to get better, get better from the worst conditions. my books show the way. get them.

How about ADD & ADHD? Parents should be scolded & that’s nice treatment… This is pure diet poisoning. When will we wake up?

If the best thing in life is being labeled with a disease… It’s time to be back to bed & start the day over with a new life purpose.

If childhood was really a determining factor for who we are today, I’d be dead. we need to realize childhood is over. Life is created daily.

Todays class will pick up again tomorrow. it is so huge. Tomorrows class, The Fatal Attraction of Disease Names & the Doctors who Sell Them.







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