Spotting the Signs of Anorexia

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

Eating disorders are dangerous diseases that affect the physical and mental health. more and more people become victims of eating disorders today. a worrying fact is that eating disorders like anorexia (anorexia nervosa) and bulimia (bulimia nervosa) have high mortality rates. About ten percent of people with anorexia die of hunger and malnutrition.

People with anorexia often deny the facts of being confronted with a problem. They start by feeling constrained by their body weight and physical appearance and then eventually develop obsessions with food, weight and stay slim. Delivered to harmful behaviors, carefully cutting and restricting the amount of food they consume. People with anorexia have a false perception of body image, living with the constant feeling of being fat, although underweight.

Anorexia, like other eating disorders can be treated. However, in order to overcome the disease, people with anorexia need all the help they can get. although at first may reject any intervention from outside, it is important to encourage and to provide care and support. To prevent and overcome anorexia, is vital to keep an eye on their signs. If you suspect someone you know may be suffering from the eating disorder is very important to know the signs of anorexia.

The signs of anorexia are usually easy to identify because of the dramatic changes in physical appearance and behavior. the most obvious sign of anorexia is the body weight. most anorexics weigh much less than they should. People with anorexia are constantly worried about their weight, the amount of calories in their food and maintenance of crash diets. Anorexics tend to put food issues and body weight in the discussion in every conversation. Sometimes they do not know, because of their need to express their obsessive thoughts, worrying.

Other signs of anorexia include excessive physical activities like running and work outs. in addition, people with anorexia tend to shut out the world and refuse to participate in many activities because of his skin to be fat and disgusting. pulses of anxiety, agitation and even violent are also signs of anorexia.

Women and girls suffering from anorexia irregular menstrual periods. Low body weight and menstrual problems or infertility are signs of anorexia in girls.

Anorexics often have unpredictable reactions and jump quickly from one mood to another. May appear to be relaxed and calm at a time, while the next moment may burst into tears. Emotional instability is both a sign of anorexia.

Other signs of anorexia are unusual hair loss, internal disturbances, such as stomach aches, burns, constipation, migraines, low blood pressure, unstable body temperature, heart problems and dehydration.

Note that in order to avoid more harm anorexic itself should quickly detect the presence of the disease, paying attention to the signs of anorexia.

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