State warns people, pets away from water in White City pond

by Symptom Advice on August 28, 2010

August 24, 2010

People and pets are warned to steer clear of Whetstone Pond today after the discovery of a blue-green algae bloom there.

The pond is on the Denman Wildlife Area off East Gregory Road in White City.

The Oregon Department of Human Services issued the voluntary advisory after tests showed the presence of the cyanobacteria, commonly called blue-green algae, at levels what the World Health Organization considers unsafe.

The algae can produce toxins that can cause illnesses to people or pets if they are ingested.

Exposure to toxins can produce symptoms of numbness, tingling and dizziness that can lead to difficulty breathing or heart problems and require immediate medical attention. Symptoms of skin irritation, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, cramps and fainting should also receive medical attention if they persist or worsen. Children and pets are particularly susceptible.

Swallowing or inhaling water droplets should be avoided, as well as skin contact with water by humans or animals. Catch-and-release fishing was urged for anglers there because toxins can be stored in fishes’ fat layers.

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