Staying Healthy

by Symptom Advice on April 19, 2011

Malaria is an infectious disease by the parasite plasmodia. There are five species that causes malaria parasite in man, namely, Plasmodium vivax, P. falciparum, P.oval, P. malariae and P. knowlesi. It is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes.It is a disease that can only be treated within 48 hours, but it can lead to fatal complications such as delayed diagnosis and treatment. this malaria parasite (sporozoit) are migrated to the liver where they mature and release another form, the merozoites.

It enters the bloodstream and infect red blood cells. The parasites multiply within red blood cells, which then rupture within 48 to 72 hours, infecting red blood cells and thus result in the signs and symptoms of malaria. Some signs of malaria caused by the release of merozoites into the bloodstream, the anemia caused by destruction of red blood cells, and the problems caused by large amounts of free hemoglobin released from red blood cells in circulaion break.

Malaria is the fifth cause of death from infectious diseases in the world after respiratory infections, HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and diarrhea, and the second in Africa after HIV / AIDS. Malaria can be transmitted at birth from a mother with her baby and blood transfusion.

What are the signs and symptoms of malaria?

Signs and symptoms of malaria are somewhat similar to flu. Common signs of malaria include fever, chills, nausea, headache and fatigue. Infection with the parasite P. Plasmodium falciparum is usually serious and can be life threatening. The severity of malaria may also vary depending on the general health and type of malaria parasites.

How the diagnosis of malaria?

Malaria Diagnosis involves the identification of malaria parasites or antigens company / product in the blood of patients. Although this seems simple, the effectiveness of malaria diagnosis is subject to many factors. Malaria diagnosis is confirmed by blood tests and can be divided into microscopic tests and microscopic.Diagnosis of malaria begins with a thorough personal and family medical history, including symptoms and travel history, complete physical examination. last trip to the subtropical and tropical world is an important indication of suspected diagnosis of malaria could increase.

Malaria diagnosis including blood tests to check that the plasmodia parasites that cause malaria. A series of tests may be needed to definitively diagnose malaria.

The author is the best information on malaria, which causes malaria, the signs of malaria, diagnosis of malaria, malaria symptoms, malaria prevention and treatment of malaria.

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