STD Symptoms In Men

by Symptom Advice on March 24, 2011

STD’s or Sexually Transmitted Diseases are those highly contagious diseases which are spread via sexual contact i.e. oral sex, vaginal sex or anal sex.

It is also known as Venereal Diseases. Nowadays, you even find people using the term STI which stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection. it is important to note that STI only denotes an infection caused by the germs or virus where as STD stands for those infections which have grown to become diseases.

It is found that most individuals affected by STD’s are not the older individuals but the teenagers and young adults. An early diagnosis of an STD can help in curing it successfully. However, there are still a few types of diseases for which there has been no cure found like AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) where only the symptoms shown are treated but treatment for the disease as whole is not available. Another one is a type of gonococci, which becomes resistant to the medicines prescribed to cure it and the medicines have to be changed every time.

The symptoms to any STD are often asymptomatic for the initial weeks i.e. it does not show any visible signs of infection. in the later weeks the symptoms exhibited by men due to STD’s are different but, here is a list of certain common signals to look for.

In case if you experience excruciating pain while urinating, an abnormal discharge from the penis, cloudy urine often accompanied by fever or even crusting of the tip of the penis consult your doctor.

At times those infected by an STD even show symptoms like blisters, sores, warts, rashes etc around the genital areas. Consult your doctor as soon as possible in cases if you experience abnormal itching sensation, burning, swelling and pain in the genital area. You may even experience tenderness, pain and swelling in the scrotum.

The symptoms often come and go. do not mistake the ‘gone period’ as the disappearance of disease. It is essential that when you visit the doctor you give him a detailed description of the disease. This in turn would help him in diagnosing the disease properly.

Timely check-ups for STD’s would also prove beneficial. Never let the symptoms persist as they may turn even more serious as days pass.

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