STD Symptoms & Treatment: Foster Care leads to rise in STD Among Adolescents

by Symptom Advice on January 7, 2011

Report specifies that foster care may increase a child’s chances of suffering from sexual transmitted disease (STD) in adolescent stage. The youths are highly prone to STD because of increased exposure to sexual and physical abuse, violence, neglect from parents, substance abuse, poverty, mental disorder or criminal justice system in the adulthood. Research suggests that younger people who are under influence of the above factors are more likely to acquire sexual infections as compared to other adolescents.
A study was conducted to assess the exact situation with 7,563 girls and 6,759 boys who went through a questionnaire about foster care, sexual behaviors and experience in their life. Studies indicate that girls in foster care are more like to get Trichomonas instead of gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Boys on other hand are likely to contract STD disease gonorrhea and Chlamydia than trichomonas.  
This happens due to fact that girls under foster care gets engaged in sex with casual partners out of frustration or have sexual intercourse for money. They tend to indulge in sexual activities at much younger age with multiple sex partners. Boys do not indulge as such in risky sexual behaviors when compared with other boys who have not been in foster care.
Whatever is the situation, adolescent boys and girls need to undergo STD test and treatment if they experience any symptoms for sexual infection. Nowadays several clinics and hospitals provide test which are reliable and maintain patient’s privacy. Active sexual partners should also take their partners for STD test for earlier prevention of the disease. 

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