STD Symptoms & Treatment: Syphilis Back in Rich Countries

by Symptom Advice on January 4, 2011

The deadly sexual disease which was almost eliminated in the West is keeping doctors busy nowadays. The sexual transmitted disease (STD), Syphilis is causing concern mainly in the high income countries. In UK, in the year 1997, number of cases was 307, jumped to 3,702 in 2006, which signifies a jump of 1,200 percent.

Syphilis is rising in countries like Dublin, Berlin, London, Rotterdam and Paris. according to Centers of Disease Control, rises have also been witnessed in Canada, Australia, US and New Zealand.

The main reason behind rise these sexually transmitted diseases (STD) due to sex among the increasing gay and bisexual population. Men, who have sex with men, are increasingly giving rise to the problem. It was in 1980s and 1990s, that people became more concerned about sexually transmitted disease out of fear from deadly HIV. Sexually active younger generations and heterosexual took greater care of their health by taking their partners to doctor and using condoms.

With arrival of some of the antiretroviral drugs, scenario almost changed as people became confident that HIV is totally curable, and this perception among people initiated the problem once more. People started indulging in sexual intercourse without any protection, leading to rise in sexual infections, including syphilis.

According to Centers for Disease Control, there has been tremendous shift to the population who are infected with these disease in United States. In the last 30 years, it shifted from gay men to poor black heterosexual and then again back to gay population. 

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