STDs: syphilis, genital warts and genital herpes, gonorrhea early symptoms » STD Rehabilitation Guide

by Symptom Advice on February 17, 2011

STDs: syphilis, genital warts and genital herpes, gonorrhea early symptoms 2009-05-26 17:13 ? syphilis symptoms: genital ulcers, syphilis is a typical representation. Generally about one centimeter in diameter ulcer, men in the penis Coronal the site, while women in the labia majora, labia minora, or cervix. since no obvious pus ulcer surface, I do not feel pain patients, is often overlooked until the rash of secondary syphilis only to the hospital. Warts symptoms – symptoms of pseudo-condyloma, genital warts treatment, genital warts pictures,

? warts symptoms: the emergence of genital verrucous material may be infected with genital warts. Patients infected with genital warts generally do not have any discomfort, both urine will not cause pain, discomfort, and will not appear outside the genital ulcers. it is quietly, gradually increasing until the day the patient noted that intentionally or unintentionally occur outside a small verrucous genital material. Coronal more common in men, genital warts, penis, foreskin inside, more common in women and the labia minora, labia majora, but may also occur in the urinary genital other adidas shoes site, such as the urethra, cervix, etc. are not easily detectable to the Department. Warts symptoms – symptoms of pseudo-condyloma, genital warts treatment, genital warts pictures,

? genital herpes symptoms: genital blisters may appear small contracted genital herpes. it is characterized by a small pile of outer genitals appear about 4 to 5 small blisters, there is a local burning or irritation. these small blisters soon ulceration of the erosion surface made of small pieces. the general symptoms of genital herpes is very light, even died after 7 to 10 days can be long on the erosion surface, but easy to relapse, to patients tremendous psychological pressure.

? gonorrhea symptoms: purulent discharge occurred urethra may be infected with gonorrhea should be suspected. (

direct damage to reproductive organs is usually sexually transmitted diseases. the most common gonorrhea and non-gonococcal urethritis showed inflammation of the genitourinary system, causing pain in the urethra when urinating, burning sensation. Urethra with or thin or thick purulent discharge. Gonorrhea female reproductive system, causing inflammation, purulent vaginal discharge, low back pain, lower abdominal pain. Genital warts can grow out of different size cauliflower swollen new online game objects, easy bleeding, the surface there are malodorous purulent discharge. in severe cases, the external female genitalia can sometimes have more mass to cover cauliflower, and even the urine are having difficulties, the patient pain. Occurrence of genital herpes genital area outside the small blisters, ulceration resulting from a small amount of secretion is very shallow ulcers and severe pain. Syphilis, chancroid, lymphogranuloma and other sexually transmitted diseases also have lesions in the genital area. Sexually transmitted diseases in addition to damage to reproductive organs, it will also lead to internal organs and body lesions, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, damage to internal organs may occur. Syphilis causes damage to internal organs which are many and serious, can affect the heart, liver, kidney, brain and spinal cord, thus showing the symptoms are very complex. Suspicious symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, should immediately go to hospital. some sexually transmitted diseases in a timely manner as long as the standard treatment is complete cure, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, non-gonococcal urethritis. however, if patients do not go to hospital to receive a regular antibiotic treatment, but their irregular medication, because they can not be completely cured

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